Monday, December 29, 2008

Best Songs of 2008

10. "The Dust of a Town" - Once Nothing - First Came the Law
9. "Storms" - Person L - Initial EP
8. "Wolves At Night (Live on WBRU-FM)" - Manchester Orchestra - Let My Pride Be EP
7. "You've Already Been (iTunes Bonus Track)" - Bayside - Shudder
6. "Breathing In A New Mentality" - Underøath - Lost In The Sound of Separation
5. "One More Day" - Lydia - ...Illuminate
4. "New Storms For Older Lovers" - La Dispute - Somewhere At the Bottom of The River
Between Vega and Altair

3. "Moses of The South" - Colour Revolt - Plunder, Beg, and Curse
2. "Water and God" - All Get Out - All Get Out EP
1. "I, The Swan" - The Sound of Animals Fighting - The Ocean and the Sun

Unfortunately I couldn't find all of these songs on Myspace, otherwise I'd have a playlist of them. Just a few notes:
"Wolves at Night (WBRU-FM)" is VERY different from the version featured on I'm Like A
Virgin Losing a Child
. It's worth buying though. "You've Already Been" is the iTunes bonus track to Shudder, but would have been the best song on the record. "I, the Swan" just makes me dance.

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