Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Best EPs of 2008

10. La Dispute - Untitled 7"/Here, Hear I/Here, Hear II
9. Jon Foreman - Winter EP/Spring EP/Summer EP
8. The Narrative - Just Say Yes EP
7. Deas Vail - White Lights EP
6. All Get Out - All Get Out EP
5. The Glass Ocean - Put On the Wooden Overcoat EP
4. Manchester Orchestra - Let My Pride Be EP
3. Eye Alaska - Yellow & Elephant EP
2. You, Me, and Everyone We Know - So Young, So Insane EP
1. Person L - Initial EP

There's a very good chance that unless you follow what I type very closely, you haven't heard all of these artists. Well I would very strongly recommend give every single one of them a chance, they're all outstanding and hardworking people.

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