Sunday, November 23, 2008


So I just realized I haven't posted in over a week. What can I say? I've been busy. I spent most of today playing acoustic and listening to Dashboard haha. I also made $17 throwing bails of hay onto a truck. Only in Eighty Four.

This week the main records I spun were:
Anything Dashboard
You Me and Everyone We Know's So Young, So Insane
Thrice's Vheissu
In Reverent Fear's Stomacher (they're AMAZING writers)
Bayside's Shudder
Conor Oberst's S/T
The Get Up Kids' Something To Write Home About (hooray!!!)
Shad's The Old Prince

I think me and Matt are gonna go see Matt Pryor (TGUK), Chris Conley (Saves the Day), Anthony Raneri (Bayside), and Dustin Kensrue (Thrice) in January. We ARE going to see Manchester Orchestra in a few weeks :)

For now I'll just leave it at that. Hopefully I'll post soon. Indoor drumline starts this week!

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